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"I meet new people every day."
Avon is one of the best things that has happened to me. I meet new people everyday, earn extra cash and get Avon products at a discounted price. My team is wonderful because of my Sales Leader, Lucy, who gives me all the support I need to be successful in my Avon career. The most appealing thing is that I do my business in my own time and still have a enough time for myself and my family.
- Toyin Olumese

"I can fit Avon around my family life."
I would just like to say a massive thanks to Lucy for giving me the opportunity to join her team. I started off at first as an Avon representative and before long I became a Sales Leader, since then I haven't looked back. This works so well for me as I have two young sons and can fit my Avon around my family life. If it wasn't for the support and enthusiasm of Lucy I would never have started my Avon business. Once again a thousand thanks.
- Emma Gardner

"Avon was the right career move for me."
Avon was the right career move for me, as it is, so flexible and works around my lifestyle. I work full time, currently studying and yet, still manage to fit in Avon. It is brilliant conversation piece as everyone loves to talk beauty products and I feel that it is fantastic, as it sells itself, I do not have to promote the products as everyone is aware of them.
I would highly recommend, being part of this team in Avon, as I am aware of the tremendous support you receive, everyone is friendly and supportive especially Lucy; she guides me, helping me along the way. I feel her passion for Avon and it is inspirational, this pushes me to work harder and achieve more. If you are looking for success and wish to achieve it, apply here today!!!
- Joanne Casey

"Joining this Avon team has improved my financial situation."
Hello everyone! My name is Lisa and I have recently joined Avon and am part of Lucy's team. I joined because of the financial situation that I was in earlier this year and thought it would get me some extra cash (and I suppose some discounts on the makeup I used as a bonus!).
Since joining this Avon team, it has not only improved my financial situaltion a lot, but to my suprise has helped me in other ways as well! I have recently been promoted to sales leader! (woo hoo!!!)
Having this new role means that I get to meet even more new people and help others just like me before! There are even some really good incentives along the way! Within Lucy's team, I have recieved so much support throughout, it makes me wonder if she gets any sleep? If you're thinking of joining Avon, please contact Lucy now and prove to yourself just how good you can be with the best support possible!
- Lisa Hunter

"Avon is perfect! I am able to multi-task my Avon business, job and family."I started Avon as a representative in June 2009. I was out of work after taking redundancy from my city job in October 2008 and then had a daughter in December 2008. Having spent 6 months getting used to being a stay at home mum, I decided I wanted to do something work wise that allowed me to control my hours, that could fit in around my daughter but also get me out of the house, meeting people and making me feel like I had a purpose. Avon is perfect!
Working on Lucy's team has given me the time and space to a build a fantastic set of clients, simply through friends, local businesses and a great Avon party that I recently hosted at a local pub. Avon parties are fun to organise and I intend to continue hosting them as I keep getting asked about when my next one will be. I am now known as the 'Avon Lady' and have had ladies coming up to me in the street asking me for brochures!

Out of the blue in September I got a job offered to me which was too good to turn down so now I work full time and still keep doing my Avon. I have found that I really like the products and now know them inside out, which helps me keep my customers updated and happy. Although this means I have less time in which to commit to Avon it is something that I still personally enjoy. So I now work full time to pay the bills but am growing my Avon business for the pleasure it gives me in being my own boss and most importantly... it is something that I can do with my baby daughter.

Looking forward I am going to move into Sales Leadership with Lucy's guidance safe in the knowledge that I am able to continue multi-tasking my Avon business, job and family.
- Maria Mesias